10 July 2007

Time to shine

Today Rinse received his new publicity pictures, from his work (he is a DJ at "Caz!" , a national radio station).
I Like this one the most. But there is a strange situation now with his work, the station was sold out of the blue(a couple of weeks ago -during our vacation-). But for now his programme still exists.

So I made this page inspired by Effersdare #70. This time the dare was about recycling things. This was so much fun!
The recycled items are:
A pink ribbon, that was rapped around a present I've received,
The black damask paper is a wallpaper sample,
The green, yellow pink harmonica paper used to be the tail from a ice cream-peacock,
Embellishment: butterfly hanger, from one of the necklaces I wear in this pictures.
Have a great day!


Fauve Design said...

Hey girl,thank you so much for your lovely card.I loved it!!Smoochies fauve

sally hanna said...

that man of yours is one hot thing!!
love that layout!

Emine_Pala_Art said...

Love the LO sweetie...
when are you going to do one of our All about eve challenges ??? LOL


Staci Compher said...

he looks so cute in that pic!!! I hope everything goes well with his show!!
and you sure are rockin' the dares.....love all the unique stuff you used on the layout..and the mix of different chipboard letters.......Have a great weekend!!

Vee said...

awesome pic, what a cutie!! :)
love your layout too :)

Anonymous said...

Great layout! You have been really creative with your recycled things!


Shelly Brewer said...

Love the LO!!